Florida – Plantation

(954) 232-0760 Florida Business Valuation Group
Plantation, FL 33317
Marcie D. Bour has over thirty (30) years of professional experience and provides business valuation services, forensic accounting, and litigation consulting services to businesses and individuals in Florida and throughout the United States. She has routinely provided testimony in Federal and State Court in commercial disputes, shareholder actions, bankruptcy and matrimonial matters. She has testified about economic damages, business valuation, alter ego, insolvency, usury and asset tracing. Her valuation and litigation experience cover a variety of industries.
Ms. Bour has worked extensively in matters involving real estate, starting in the 1980s when she was part of a team focused on accounting and consulting for real estate private offerings. Throughout her career, she has worked with real estate brokerage firms, developers and investors in a variety of contexts, including forensic accounting.
Ms. Bour has served in numerous leadership positions including serving as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Institute of Business Appraisers, as well as on the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts’ Executive Advisory Board and its Litigation Forensics Board. She currently serves on the Florida Bar Unlicensed Practice of Law Standing Committee. Ms. Bour has been an instructor in the area of economic damages and has spoken at national conferences and regional conferences on lost profits, economic damages and business valuation. She is also a co-author of Financial Valuation, Applications and Models, 4th Edition, published by Wiley & Sons.
Ms. Bour graduated from Emory University with a Bachelor of Business Administration, earning distinction in Accounting. She has earned certifications in the areas of valuation, fraud, and forensic accounting.